Is it just me, or are social media sites having an identity crisis too?
If you’ve been living under a rock, Twitter just unveiled Fleets. But what exactly are Fleets? What are those blue circles on the top of the interface? On their official blog, design director Joshua Harris and product manager Sam Haveson explain,
“Fleets are for sharing momentary thoughts – they help start conversations and only stick around for 24 hours.”
The bird app is mostly used to air out thoughts no matter how big or small. In this system, you can utilize it from subtweeting a friend to raising awareness about a calamity in a place where media outlets are not easily accessible. (See the recent flooding at Cagayan where Twitter & Facebook became the unsung heroes of those that were affected.)
But do we really need another Instagram story or a My Day? Soon enough, we’ll all be on one app. Pioneered by Snapchat, the 24-hour format was a huge hit. Not until the other social media sites started looking the same.
More than a short-term feature, what Twitter really needs is an edit button. Cause some of y’all tweets should have. Stayed. In. The. Drafts. Especially the, ahem, fake news peddlers.
As if we aren’t excessively using social media most days, it’s definitely something users never asked for. In just 24 hours, the newest feature is already drawing mixed reactions. Scroll down for some of the netizens’ thoughts on Fleeting below: