
Have An Animation, Comic, Or Video Game Idea? Pitch It To The CCP For A Chance To Get It Funded

Rightfully supporting Filipino creatives.

As part of its mission to support Pinoy created content centered on local arts and culture, the CCP is looking to fund promising projects in animation, comics, and video games.

Related: Learn From Industry Greats In This Online Platform For Would-Be And Professional Creatives

It’s no secret that the Philippines is home to many talented creatives. The world of global entertainment has its fair share of Pinoys who had a hand in some of the most popular and acclaimed entertainment properties in the world. Philippine culture is rife with so many ideas and stories that have the potential to become the next big thing. Look at how Trese became one of the most talked about new TV shows of 2021. The komik turned Netflix animated series introduced many to the wonderful world of Pinoy komiks.

But it is also known that the Philippine creative industry doesn’t get the support it needs to really reach its full potential whether it be in funding, promotion, or institutional support. This is why the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP), which its mission to build up and promote Pinoy Intellectual Property (IP) and promote Philippine culture, is offering creative grants. In short, they are putting their money where their mouth is and offering over 20 million pesos worth of grants to creatives around the country.


The CCP fund is split between three sectors, one for digital game development, one for animation, and one for comics. A total of seven games will receive up to 1.5 million pesos in development money each, four animation projects will receive up to 2 million pesos each, and six comics will receive up to 330,000 pesos in development funds each. You can’t just submit any project though as the theme of the project must be centered on Philippine folktales, myths, and legends. Given though how rich Philippine folklore is, it won’t be that hard to mine an idea to use. If you would like to apply for a grant, you have to submit a pitch deck, portfolio, and other requirements based on your chosen field that fit a set criteria.

Do note though that if you do receive a grant, you are expected to meet certain requirements. Most importantly, the expected final output for animation is a five minute short, for comics is a 24+ page comic, and for video games is a completed game within six months though exemptions are allowed in certain circumstances. But 100% of the publishing, broadcasting, and distribution rights will be retained by the original artists. For comics and animation, check out the application form here. For game development, check out the application form here. Deadline for game dev applications is on April 26 while for comics and animation is on May 30.

So, if you feel that you have what it takes and think you have the next great idea based on Philippine folktales, myths, and legends, then send in that application.

Continue Reading: Cool Filipino Creatives You Should Meet: Vol. 1