he's into her season 2

6 Reasons Why We’re Excited For He’s Into Her Season 2

It can't get here any sooner.

New drama, new relationships, new characters, and a new soundtrack. Season two of He’s Into Her is shaping up to be an exciting one.

Related: What We Know About He’s Into Her Season Two So Far

As we are now in the summer season, things are heating up, literally and figuratively. It’s not just the increase in temperature that is happening, but a progression of releases of the hottest movies and shows of the year. One such highly anticipated show is season two of He’s Into Her. After months of anticipation, the new chapter is finally coming this April 22 and it’s sure to be one to watch out for.

And with the release of it’s full length official trailer last March 19, it only has gotten us more hyped for what it to come. The trailer alone gave us many tantalizing details for the new season that we can’t wait to discover in earnest. As we eagerly wait for a new semester at Benison to start, here are six reasons why we we’re looking forward to season two.


As we closed the chapter on season one, Max and Deib finally made their relationship official. And as we can see in the trailer, they are happily together. But that doesn’t mean they’re getting their happy ending. They first need to face a cascade of challenges that look to form most of season two’s plot. For starters, Deib still needs to get Max’s father’s approval and by the looks of things, it won’t be easy. Trust also looks to be a major theme this season as Max and Deib will be at odds over the level of trust they have with each other, which may lead to some exciting drama. It definitely will be interesting to see how the two persevere through the pains of a relationship.


This season two, Deib Enrile is a changed man. He’s no longer the bully and bad boy he used to be. But his past looks to haunt him this go around. In the trailer, we see that a parent has filed a complaint against Deib for all the bullying he has done in the past. It should also be noted that after this scene, we see that Deib’s father will finally be appearing in the show. Considering how he was absent during the entire run of season one, his appearance opens the doors for a new dynamic. Where these potential plot threads end up leading to will be intriguing to follow.

We also appreciate how the creators included this scene because it shows the fact that we all have to face our consequences of our actions. Yes, Deib is a changed man, but he also wronged many people before, not just Max, and he needs to own up to that.


During the final moments of the season finale of season one, Max finally let’s go of her ex Randall to be with Deib. But it looks like their still may be some feelings left over between the two. Throughout the trailer, we see that Randall will play a significant role in the season as he and Max may or may not be rekindling their romance. And of course, we got that tantalizing clip of Kim talking to Randall of how they can get their former flames back. Why does young love have to be so complicated?


While we love to see most of the original cast return, we also are excited to see what season two’s new characters bring to the table. During the Global Assembly last March 19, we got a teaser of who these new characters are. Reich Alim will be playing Rhuzmell, the sister of Randall. Serving as his debut acting role, Rajo Serrano will play Karlie, one of Kim’s closest friends. Shaina Gomez will be playing Dom. During the Global Assembly, she teased that she will be playing a love interest of one of the characters that will cause some interesting plot twist.

The Southbay Sharks are set to be expended this season as CJ Salonga, River Joseph, Zach Castaneda are all playing students from Southbay as Digz, Jaybee, and Kurt respectively. Then there’s JC Alcantara, who is playing the mysterious M. And in a surprising twist, the trailer revealed that Mikha Lim, aka BINI’s Mikha, will be playing Elle, as in Max’s half sister Elle. When Mikha got casted, we were curious as to what role she was going to play. It turns out that she took on the role of Elle as the original actress, Melizza Jimenez, had scheduling conflicts with shooting and her studies in Australia.


The drama and kilig this season two is not just limited to Max and Deib. There are also other love teams who are getting their time in the spotlight. One of the most notable moments during the trailer was how Naih commented that she wasn’t into artsy stuff and then Lee told Ysay that she appreciates someone who understands his passions in life. Could a love triangle between the three be brewing? We’ll have to wait and see. Speaking of trouble in paradise, we also see that Michiko is now alone as Tob and his family have left. Will she now bake for herself or will she find a new flame to cook for? We’ll have to tune in this April to find out.


The soundtrack of season one served as a highlight for many fans. And it looks like for season two, we’re getting an equally banging OST. Artists confirmed to be included in season two’s soundtrack include Nameless Kids, Trisha Denise, and Jon Guelas. Most excitingly, we finally got confirmation that BGYO are making a new theme song for the season entitled Best Time. Our playlists are ready.

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