
Money Tips And Tricks We’re Taking Note Of From These Finance TikTok Creators

Secure that bag.

Navigating finances can be tricky and complicated. Let these creators give you a crash course to make money more accessible.

Related: Five Money Hacks You Should Know In Your 20s

Whether you’re a student, a working adult, or in retirement, handling your money will always be a constant. Spending, saving, investments, and the like are all questions you ask yourself. But getting that proper answer can sometimes be a brain-racking process. It can almost be paralyzing as to how to use your money wisely with all these questions running through your head.

After all, one wrong move, and you can say goodbye to that bag. Luckily, the professional folks over at #MoneyTok have shared their knowledge to give us the 101 on how to handle those finances and make proper money moves. Let these following finance TikTok creators help ease your anxieties about money with their hacks, tips, and tricks.


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Everyone will reach that point in their lives where the need for a credit card is required. But when it comes to the two biggest credit card companies in the world, which should you choose? For Jax Reyes, he feels that both payment networks won’t let you down, but each has its upsides. For Visa, Jax shares that it’s more widely accepted in the Philippines. Mastercard, meanwhile, has more promos and is a slightly better card when traveling abroad.


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Investments are one of the most popular ways to grow your income. But when it comes to actually investing, especially abroad, it can be tricky. Miss Invest herself, Cha Gomez, is here to demystify investing abroad with her useful video about it. She shares that the best way to invest overseas is either through an international stock broker or feeder fund, the latter of which has helped her invest small sums in Apple, Microsoft, and the like. She then goes into detail about other useful tips for putting that cash across the Pacific Ocean.


Have you ever had a friend, family member, or acquaintance try to sell you insurance? As annoying as it is, insurance is one of the most important things you’ll have to consider getting, especially if you’re a young working adult with a relatively stable job/source of income. Antoinette Aquino is here to offer some tips when it comes to buying insurance.

For her, where you buy your insurance doesn’t matter as long as the plan fits your needs. But the top thing you need to have if you decide to buy is trust. You need to trust your financial advisor. Once you buy that insurance, your relationship with your advisor doesn’t end. Insurance is a life-long thing, and you should feel that your advisor handling your money well and giving you the best advice for your situation.


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Having money can sometimes lead to a slippery slope of bad decisions. This is why Yani Moya has a few nuggets of wisdom about the money habits you should be doing. Don’t be aloof about where your money is coming and going, and build that investment portfolio when you can.


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Inflation has been kicking everyone’s wallets as of late. But while the initial reaction to it is to save your money, that isn’t the full picture, according to Paolo Castro at least. The financial guru warns that just saving your money will let it lose its value as inflation continues. Instead, he advises you to save and invest it to ensure multiple streams of income.


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When you start earning that monthly check, the first instinct is to save that money. And while it is nice and recommended to have those savings and a liquid emergency fund (meaning you can get from it anytime), that isn’t the complete picture. Bea Pelayo is here to remind us that you work to live, not live to work. So, go set aside that amount per month, but don’t forget to treat yourself here and there. It’s your money, you deserve it.


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Cryptocurrency and specifically pay-to-win games have been one of the hottest money trends in the past year. But before you jump into the hype, be warned that not everything you see is the real deal. Aside from talking about pop culture topics, Archie Lim also shares tips and tricks on how to spot red flags in the world of cryptocurrency like pay-to-win games that are scams in hiding.


So, you have a credit card. What now? Anna Gonzales shares some useful tips for credit card owners on how to use it properly. For starters, don’t reach your credit limit because it’s going to make you and your credit score look bad. Secondly, don’t be afraid to swipe that card, so as long as you have the money to pay for it by the end of the month. Finally, your credit card purchases do not gain interest as long as they are paid on time which will require some responsible budget management on your end.

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