rise belle mariano

Belle Mariano Proves Her Haters Wrong In The Music Video For Rise

We love to see it.

Belle Mariano strived for years and faced many challenges to get to where she is today. And Rise is the embodiment of how all that hard work has paid off.

Related: Belle Mariano Brings The Vocals And The Feels In Her Debut Album Daylight

Belle Mariano didn’t get to where she is now on a gilded path. Ever since she was a child actress, Belle slowly but surely rose through the ranks to become the Gen Z star that she is. Along the way, she was bashed, maligned, and discredited by those who thought she didn’t deserve her success. But, in the end, she persevered through those battles.

This is what Rise, the closing track on her debut album, Daylight, is all about. The empowering anthem is not just an inspirational track about reaching your goals, it can also be seen as bit autobiographical of Belle’s journey so far. And with the release of the song’s music video, Belle Mariano is showing that she indeed is fighting for what she wants and is worthy of all the success she has and will attain in the future.


Written by fellow Gen Z star Jayda, Rise is a perfect close to Belle’s album because it’s reflective of her status from being just an actress to superstar in the making. That is exactly what Jayda was aiming for when she wrote the song. On her TikTok page, she revealed that she first researched on Belle’s life and felt that an inspirational anthem like Rise was fit for her. With solid vocals and a soaring instrumental, Rise sees Belle Mariano tell the world that you won’t bring me down. And even if you disregard the song’s connection to Belle, Rise is still a solid fight song for anyone who has ever been doubted about achieving their dreams.

The music video is reflective of this mindset. It starts with Belle leaving an audition and looking dejected as she feels like she didn’t get the part. We then see her in her bedroom and lying down on a billiards table, a subtle reference to He’s Into Her as the billiards scene between Max and Deib is one of the show’s most iconic.

We then see her hold a ball with a number 10 on it, a reference of how it took a little over 10 years for Belle to be where she is and how one of her first roles was in Princess and I in 2011. After starting out in bit roles and side characters, Belle is now taking center stage. It is also during these scenes that we see tweets bashing and judging Belle. While her performance in He’s Into Her has been met with praise, when it was first announced that she was going to play Maxpien, it was met with controversy and criticism from many.


As the song reaches its climactic moment, this is when Belle finally reaches her potential. For most of the video, Belle is in indoor locations. But by the end, she runs outside in a grassy field and takes off her jacket, showing that she has arrived. The tweets then disappear and the final scene has Belle triumphantly watching a TV with her acting being praised as best actress worthy and that Rise was the name of the fictional movie that Belle was starring in in the music video.

The best part about all of this is that this is just the start of Belle’s up and up career. At just 19 years old, Belle Mariano has so much more ahead of her, such as her first ever digital concert Daylight this January 29. Belle Mariano truly is on the rise.  

Continue Reading: Belle Mariano Says She Can’t See Herself Being Paired With Anyone Else