alexa ilacad karen davila

Alexa Ilacad Got Real About Her Struggles With How She Sees Her Body And Mental Health

She's on the road to loving herself fully.

Alexa Ilacad is known for keeping it real and that much was true when she opened up about her experience with body dysmorphia.

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(Trigger warning: This story contains mentions of bulimia.)

Mental health has always been an important issue, but now more than ever, it has been given the proper attention in the public consciousness. People are now more open about their own struggles with their mental health and the battles they go through within themselves. It’s an issue that cuts across all age ranges and social classes, but it is an issue that has greatly affected the youth. We live in a society that often puts a premium on looking a certain type of way or having a certain body type. That constant struggle to fit in or look the part is not an easy battle for many people, including Alexa Ilacad.


During her time in PBB, Alexa was noted for her strong personality and self-confidence. But behind her strong persona was a young woman who also dealt with struggles pertaining to her mental health. In one of the most poignant scenes of the season, Alexa consulted with the show’s resident mental health professional after a challenge caused her to experience intense emotions. It was during this consultation that it was revealed that Alexa had major depressive disorder caused by her body dysmorphia. Body dysmorphia (also called BDD) is a disorder where someone has an intense focus on one’s physical flaws that can lead to emotional distress. It was an important moment for many because what Alexa was going through is something many people her age can relate to.

In a recent interview with Karen Davila for her latest vlog, Alexa Ilacad opened up more about dealing with her body dysmorphia. “I was never really a petite, thin girl and that was my main problem because no matter what I would do, I had to accept and realize that I will never be skinny.” In the beginning, she admitted that she couldn’t accept the fact that she had depression because her life was alright. Alexa then shared that she feels her entering showbiz as a child may have played a part with her struggles, especially since she has dealt with rejection numerous times. “Between me and my mom, I always had to be a stronger person because my mom gets easily affected by everything that happens to me in my career and I never showed her that I was affected, too.”


When it comes to loving yourself and accepting your flaws, it’s not as easy as just hitting a switch in your head. It can be a battle to reach a point where you feel comfortable with yourself no matter what. This is something Alexa knows all too well as she herself said that she doesn’t always feel good whenever she looks at her body. For her, it depends on her mood on how she sees her body. On good days, she’s alright. But on bad days, she can feel disappointed.

In an eye-opening moment, Alexa shared to Karen that she has experienced going through bulimia. “I was running out of options of how to lose weight.” She adds though that she has since stopped doing that. More importantly, while she isn’t fully there yet, she expressed that she is on her way to loving herself fully. “I’m still in the process of learning how to take care of myself and appreciate my body.”

While some might be afraid to admit that they need help, Alexa doesn’t feel that way. She isn’t afraid now to speak up about her struggles and say that she gets help, and not just from her friends and family. “I’m getting the help that I need and I’m not shy to ask for it.” These days, Alexa shared how she’s now starting to be more open with her feelings to other people. She’s also aware of all the love she has been receiving as of late as she expressed that if she can’t find it in herself to love, she gets it from her family, fans, and God.


To anyone who maybe going through or has experienced what Alexa Ilacad is going through regarding her body or mental health, know that your process to recovery is your own journey. Loving yourself is a personal one that each person has their own path to take. But every step you take on that path is still worth it. As Alexa said, “Every small step is a big step to me.” Aside from Alexa candidly opening up about her mental health, the interview is also filled with interesting tidbits about the young star like a peek into her organized room, how she feels about her ex Nash Aguas, and her time on PBB. Watch the vlog below.

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