Beyond The Memes and Remixes, Here’s Why You Should Vote In The 2023 Barangay And SK Elections

Even voting for the barangay is important.

In all the hustle and bustle of the long weekend, let’s not forget that we have a Barangay and SK elections real soon.

Related: 5 Questions To Ask Yourself When You Exercise Your Power To Vote

It feels like there’s something new happening every day this October. And as we reach the tail end of the month, a confluence of Halloween parties, long weekend trips, Undas plans, and so much more are coming together. But in between all these events and happenings is a nationwide election, the 2023 barangay and SK elections. Now, before you dismiss the election or decide to spend your Monday on other things, here’s why you shouldn’t skip the vote. 


You may have heard about it on the news, learned that it’s part of the upcoming long weekend, the cause for the liquor ban on October 29 and 30, or seen the many memes on social media. But in case you need a refresher, the 2023 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Elections are happening this October 30, which will be the opportunity for voters to elect or reelect barangay and youth council members and leaders. With over 1.4 million candidates running across the country, it’s a lot of people. 

Now, some of you may be thinking that voting in a barangay election is not worth your time since it’s not a major election like the presidential elections last year. But as we learned, we shouldn’t just care about who represents us at the top, but at all levels of the government, and the barangay is the most basic yet equally important. This will be your chance to vote for a barangay captain and council who represent your values and advocate for the needs of the community, not just themselves. 

While not as high profile as other positions, barangay councilors have a near direct say in how your local community and surroundings are run. As for the Sangguniang Kabataan, these people will be tasked to come up with the youth programs in your community. As voters, we need to be discerning of who we elect, regardless of the position. Do these candidates have actual concrete plans to help your community, or do they just try to sway voters with superficial actions? 

The last thing you want is for a slate of candidates to be elected to your local barangay who aren’t deserving of the position. This is especially true for the SK elections, where only voters between the ages of 15-30 years old are allowed to participate. These are youth candidates being elected by the youth, so make your voice heard. 


At the end of the day, it always helps to be a regular voter to prepare you for future elections, such as the 2025 midterm elections where you vote for twelve senators, your representative in Congress, and more. To be honest, the memes this election has given us make it seem that it’s so unserious and not worth participating in. But it is. You don’t have to go far to see the problems of the country that just pile up to no end, which is why we need leaders who have real solutions to address them. 

So, end October right by making a plan to vote in the Barangay and SK elections and potentially help start some important changes. Voting on October 30 will run from 7 AM – 3 PM. You can check out COMELEC’s precinct finder to help you know where you’re voting on Monday, as well as whether your voter status is still active. 

Continue Reading: Don’t Skip The Vote: From Registration To The Election, This Is Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Impact