My New Year’s Resolution Is To Stop Buying From Overpriced IG Resellers

Ukay-ukay reseller son or Sonny Angel reseller daughter?

The era of falling for IG resellers and thrift shops who jack up prices to uncomfortable levels is over.

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Undoubtedly, social media and an increasingly connected world have changed how we shop. Gone are the days when malls and retail shops are the only places to get what we want as online shopping, markets, sellers, and resellers become the new shopping malls for many. I too, once an avid fan of shopping in retail stores, have turned to online sellers, especially on Instagram, to get those more niche or hard-to-find items. 

Yet, it has become increasingly clear that just because I have the means to buy it on Instagram, doesn’t mean I should. My reflection on my spending habits in 2023 has taught me that my habit of buying from IG shops that increase prices for items I could find cheaper elsewhere has to stop.


There’s no denying the benefits of online marketplaces like Instagram shops. As compared to retail spaces, it’s more convenient, more accessible, and, depending on where you look, cheaper than buying from an actual store. Also, IG shops can be a go-to for many to shop for items that aren’t so easily available in malls. I started my IG shop journey at the start of the pandemic, buying movie posters from a few IG pages that sold them. I then moved to buying from food and beverage shops whose only way to order was DM, apparel from second-hand stores, and even a couple of vintage magazines. 


The convenience is there and you can develop a relationship with these online communities as you bond over a shared love. Whole businesses have sprouted up and built a following on Instagram because they sell niche and trendy items that you won’t find in retail. The allure is real, but so too is the trap of thinking that these IG shops like resellers and thrift shops are the end-all-be-all of getting what you want. One of my worst shopping mistakes last year was buying a jacket from an IG ukay-ukay shop thinking that was the only place where I could cop it, only to find it being sold for half the price in another app. 

In an era of e-commerce that is partially driven by trends, it is a sad reality that there are online sellers and resellers out there who increase their prices way beyond what the items are usually sold for because they know some people are willing to spend that much for an item they really want. What was once accessible or worth the splurge becomes unattainable. Think of it as an online version of gentrification where sellers package items in a certain aesthetic, but in the process, increase prices beyond what they normally should be. 


Sure, these are businesses, and they need to make money. When something is in demand or trending, prices do go up. Also, not every IG shop sells items at unreasonable levels. But you shouldn’t resign yourself to the fact that overpriced IG shops are the only way because they are not. It’s this concern that led to a strong discourse on X (formerly Twitter) at the start of the year because of a certain IG shop selling digicams for thousands more than their original price. 

Now, this doesn’t mean you should stop buying from IG shops. This 2024, though, it’s time to become smart shoppers on social media. Before you comment “mine” on the Instagram post, check first that you aren’t being taken advantage of by an opportunist selling overpriced items. Do your research and see how much you’ll be paying for an item on IG as compared to other avenues. Check other online marketplaces and apps for more affordable options. Don’t fall for the trap of the aesthetic and throw away all that money when you can get what you want for cheaper elsewhere. A new year means even more new budols, but let’s make sure they are worth it. 

Continue Reading: Looking for Sustainable and Stylish OOTDs? These Thrift Shops Should Be Your Next Stop