Showcase Advocacy Through Film By Submitting To Sine Kabataan 2024

How You Can Challenge The Status Quo Through Film By Submitting To Sine Kabataan 2024

A chance to let your voice be heard.

Filmmakers and advocates, here’s your chance to make a short film with the help of the FDCP’s Sine Kabataan Short Film Lab and Festival! Know more about how to enter here.

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Storytelling through film is one of the most consumed and celebrated forms of storytelling in the world. No matter the length, what a film has to say and what it means to people have become such an intrinsic aspect of humanity. The stories a film tells can not just inform, but it can also evoke strong emotions, build connections, and raise awareness, among other possibilities.


So many people all over the world want to tell stories through film, but it’s not that easy. Filmmakers, especially those young or just starting out, have to source funding and support for the heavy task that is producing a film, whether it’s seven or 90 minutes long. Fortunately, more and more grants, competitions, and festivals allow stories and films to see the light of day and showcase the talent of filmmakers from all over.


The Film Development Council of the Philippines is one institution that opens their doors to people who want to make a film but lack the support to do so. The FDCP just opened applications for their recent iteration of the FDCP Sine Kabataan Short Film Lab and Festival, and we’ve got all the details right here for all you young filmmakers with a story to tell and a social issue you want to explore.



Sine Kabataan offers a platform specifically for stories leaning towards an exploration of the youth’s perspective on social issues. They accept pitches and concepts centered around a list of topics all about current intersectional social issues under four categories: health, security and peace-building, education, and family values. There’s a myriad of ways artists can interpret these subjects, but one thing’s for sure: if you’re applying, then you definitely have something you think is worth fighting or raising awareness for.

sine kabataan topics

Your concept must be able to be translated into a short film that runs between 7 and 20 minutes. There’s not a lot of limitations besides these, as your films can be live-action, animated, a documentary, or even experimental. The sky’s the limit as you marry art with these relevant issues experienced by Filipinos.



Before you enter, make sure you have everything in order. You have to be 18-30 years of age to enter, and you must have already produced at least one short film before. The requirements include the application form, a brief resume, a copy of your ID, an HD profile photo, and a link to your previous work if applicable. Read all of the guidelines here.

In the application form, you’ll be asked to fill out your personal details, your intent, your film concept’s information including a synopsis and your intended treatment, as well as your projected financial plan. It’s best to gather a team you trust to help you out, too. Or, you might even already be in contact with people who you’ve wanted to make a film with for a while now—in which case, awesome!

sine kabataan app form

First page of the application form

Fill out the application form here and submit a copy to with the subject Application for Sine Kabataan 2024 on or before March 8, 2024.

Continue Reading: Watch These 7 Acclaimed Films in PH Cinemas This March At FDCP Presents: A Curation of World Cinema