
5 Tips On Making Friendship Work, According To Niana Guerrero, AC Bonifacio, And Mitch Briones

Straight from the talented trio.

Niana Guerrero, AC Bonifcaio, and Mitch Briones enjoy a strong friendship that has lasted for years. And the talented besties were kind enough to share advice on how you can achieve that.

Related: 8 Times Niana Guerrero And AC Bonifacio Were Best Friend Goals

When you think celebrity friend groups, many come into mind. But one group that has charmed the internet is Niana Guerrero, AC Bonifacio, and Mitch Briones. If you’ve been following this trio for a while, you know they’ve been friends for years, five to be exact. They saw each other grow up from girls to young women all while slaying in their respective fields. The talent aside, their friendship is goals and have made it work despite all being in the public spotlight, as well as going through the trials of young adulthood.

And if you ever wondered how they made their friendship work, you’re in luck. A few months ago, Niana and AC guested on Mitch’s podcast, Cyber Crush, where they opened up about their friendship, as well as advice on staying close with your friend group. Here are just some of the tips they shared that you may find useful for your own besties.


As they shared in the podcast, Niana was the reason why all of them are friends as one day, she invited them to attend her party. While they admitted that it was awkward at first, they became fast friends that have lasted to this day. One thing they shared on how they make it work is that communication is always important. They said that they are always straightforward and honest when it comes to talking to each other on their group chat. AC then emphasized that they also do not overtly force their POV over each other. Even a simple “how are you” or five minute conversation is good enough for them. As long as you are openly talking to each other, you are on the right path.


Some friend groups live and die by how often say see each other in person. But that isn’t the case for Niana, AC, and Mitch. Because of their busy schedules, they sometimes don’t have the time to do a barkada hangout. But that’s okay for them, because what is important for them is that even texts and simple catching up messages keeps them going. They shared that someone would usually make the first move that would get them talking. Even if that conversation isn’t long, keeping each other in the loop works just as fine. So, don’t always sweat if that hangout can’t make it out of the GC. Sometimes, a simple online chat is enough for your friends.


It goes without saying that real friends stick up for each other. And that is true for Niana, AC, and Mitch. Given how all three are in the public spotlight and have been so since they were kids, the hate and criticism they get is on another level. AC admitted that she gets self-conscious because of the public. Mitch, meanwhile, described Niana as a true softie with a kind heart. But even so, the trio have each other’s backs.

Niana rarely shows that she’s hurting even when she is, but AC and Mitch are always there to throw down and even send paragraphs. AC expressed that Niana and Mitch have been there for her during her toughest times. They aren’t hesitant to defend her when need be. And when they do find the time to meet up, they describe it as the time of their lives with hangouts always being fun. The catching up is instant and natural.


If you ever find yourself questioning why your friend group is unlike others, stop it. As long as you and your friends aren’t doing anything bad, it’s ok if how your BFF group operates is different from others. Everyone is different and so too are friendships. That is something Niana, AC, and Mitch know all too well. When Mitch asked the girls what is it about their friendship that makes it different from their other friend groups, they shared how they are different from one another.

All three come from three distinct fields that rarely intersect. But as Mitch shared, even though they are different, they still connect, embrace what’s unique about them, and are open minded to how each of them think. They describe it as a low maintenance friendship that is still close even if they aren’t together every day. They operate on their own vibe that may not make sense to some and that’s fine. You don’t need to look for carbon copies of yourself to make friends. In fact, a diverse friend group that can still stay close after years is better.  


As much as we would like to keep the friends we make in life forever, the reality is that there will be those moments where we grow distant. Eventually, these people end up leaving our lives and instead of agonizing over it, realize that these things were just meant to be. During the podcast, the trio shared that it’s normal to move away from people once you start loosing that connection.

If that happens and you’ve ran out of options, it’s okay to let that person go because the last thing you need is to force a fix that might make the situation worse. Losing friends is a part of life. And if ever you reach that point, you will feel so much better learning to accept it. Friendships come and go. What matters is that the people who are meant to be in your life will stay with you.

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