candle philippines

Would You Light My Candle? Where To Find These Flickering Filipino Finds


Oddly enough, the blocks of wax have seemingly found its way back into the corners of our homes. A source of light and little joys, consider these proudly Filipino-made candles.


In a time of great destabilization, it doesn’t come as a surprise that people are finding ways to simulate, manufacture, or discover pockets of joy within such a curious time of global crisis. While safety and survival obviously rank high up in the list, there has been a frenzied focus on self-care and self-love, which you know, stacks up to self-preservation when you really think about it. Now, whatever the manifestation may be, whether it be through an overwhelmingly precise process in skincare or several add to cart clicks, we are basically just allowing ourselves to live a little. From the confines of four walls, hey, it’s the least we can do for ourselves, right?

Surprisingly, from this desire for fragments of personal indulgence, an unlikely winner has emerged from the pack—home scents and candles. With fired up Google searches for “room spray” and “candles,” the veracity of which is validated by the study conducted by CNBC saying that sales for both rose by 13% in the last year alone. Now, you would think it’s a little bit odd to be obsessing over pots of scented wax when the world is practically in disarray. But if you factor in Mr. Maslow and his much studied and referenced hierarchy of needs, the foundation of the triangle counts warmth as a primary physiological need, sitting comfortably beside the basics such as the all too important rest.

A Case For Filipino-Made Candles

While it isn’t quite the primary source of light as it was in the pre-electric times, candles have since remained necessary, just in case the light runs out. But aside from being stashed in the emergency cabinet, it also has positioned itself as a lovely addition to sprucing up a home, upping its fundamentals with invigorating scents and interesting decorative details. Some turn to it for special occasions or a much-needed me-time, but for others, it has become some sort of therapeutic focal point. Let’s be real, when nothing else is distracting, nothing can be quite entrancing as a flicker of fire dancing from a candle in a corner.

Locally, many people have grown fond of the burning block of wax, especially as of late. From indulgent extensions to grown-up manifestations, there has been a rising trend in Filipino-made candles. A quick scroll on Instagram would lead you to many wellness and decoration accounts proudly displaying their mostly artisanal wares. Flaunting the fiercely Filipino, these flickering finds have graduated from an add-on to a full-on obsession.

Light It Up

Who knew we’d come to a point where we’d be talking about Filipino-made candles at great length? Look, you don’t have to really be into it to understand how it not only lights up a room. A considerable source of bright light as it is, the assortment of Filipino-made candles that are popping up all over our timelines and weekend markets make a space more special, sentimental, and yes, sacred. Winsome in its wafting scent and warmth, there is much to feel good about these objects of desire. Whether it be sourced from different regions of the Philippines or lovingly made out of creative frustration, it might be time to consider these Filipino-made candles a place in your home.

Now, by all means, go ahead and light that candle, Roger.

Don’t know where to start in your search for these lovely Filipino candles? Look no further and follow the light in the curated list below.


Stoa Studios

Salamangka Atbp.

Mitsa Manila



Aroma Junkie