5 Lessons We’re Taking From Jak Roberto’s Anti-Selos Class

Unsint a message.

Needless to say, our tuition at Jak Roberto University was well spent.

Related: Better Believe It: How To Map Out Your Future, According To Barbie Forteza

It’s enrollment season right now, and while many would like to attend some of the country’s top schools like Ateneo and UP, we have our eyes set on JRU, Jak Roberto University and take its world-renowned anti-selos class. The actor is a true king for letting people enroll in his anti-selos workshops and teaching how not to get jealous and avoid unsint messages. While DLSU (David Licauco State University) is instructing students how to get a degree in platonic relationships, Jak is out here giving us tips on bagging a BS in anti-silos. But jokes aside, Jak Roberto is the definition of a man of class, confidence, and respect.

As two high-profile celebrities, Jak and Barbie Forteza have been through a lot, especially when it comes to what people have said about their six-year relationship. Even if Barbie is currently in a popular love team with David Licauco, Jak remains unflustered by it, and he’s even embraced being the king of anti-silos. Honestly, that’s the kind of man we want in our lives. Here are some of the key lessons we’re taking to heart from Jak’s anti-selos classes.



Bhie stop it i wont graduate the jakroberto anti selos school with flying colors na

♬ My All – A M I E E E E

A key pillar in determining if someone is a green flag is how supportive they are of you in your solo endeavors. For Jak Roberto then, he’s the material they use to make green flags. While some may feel turned off by their partner experiencing stratospheric levels of success, that isn’t the case for Jak. The actor is out here rooting for her girl’s aspirations, which include supporting the biggest love team of her career so far and being her biggest cheerleader.

He’s happy for her success, a trait others can apply to their own relationships. Jak being an unwavering pillar of support for Barbie is one of the key reasons why their relationship is as strong as it is, and he’s a true king for that. Jak’s anti-selos classes remind us that there’s nothing wrong with seeing and rooting for your partner when they spread their wings solo.


@amcherrylicious Enrolled na ba ang lahat sa Anti Silus Class HAHAHAHAHAHAH #antisilus #jakroberto #fyp #foryou ♬ My All – A M I E E E E

Where Jak Roberto succeeds and others fail is that he doesn’t go into panic mode seeing his partner shine on her own. Barbie Forteza is reaching new levels of fame and popularity through a love team not involving Jak, but you don’t see him shading her on social media. Jak is the type of guy who sees nothing wrong with his girl embracing and exploring their individuality, as he should. His love for Barbie transcends any shallow insecurities that others might have. This is what happens when you truly love your partner, jealousy becomes a non-factor.  


@m0nic4ke buti na lang enrolled na ko #antisilos #jakroberto ♬ оригинальный звук – 🕷️

Trust is one of the main foundations of any relationship. So no wonder then that Barbie and Jak have been going on strong for years. As a celebrity, it would be understandable if Jak was vocal about his relationship with Barbie, which he is, but he isn’t the type of guy who is all up in her business. If you want to be anti-selos, don’t constantly question everything your partner does and trust what they are doing. At the end of the day, Barbie has her moments to shine solo, and Jak will be there to root for her on the sidelines.


@gfnishiyo #antisilos #jakroberto ♬ My All – A M I E E E E

In a time when some people think that if it wasn’t posted on social media, then it didn’t happen, Jak Roberto is a fresh reminder that not everything needs to be for clout and likes. Even if they are famous actors, Barbie and Jak keep most of their relationship private and away from the cameras, adding to the authenticity of this couple. Jak keeps it low-key when he can, and we respect him for that. Even when Barbie and David share their admiration for each other on social media, Jak isn’t one to butt in or feel the need to spam social media. He’s winning the IDGAF wars because he knows what matters to him the most.



Baka napagod na si Prof sa transitions niyo. Nagpaturo na ko ng personal

♬ My All – A M I E E E E

Many words can be used to describe Jak Roberto, and insecure is not one of them. One of the main points that the curriculum of the Major in Anti-Selos teaches is that jealousy becomes non-existent if you’re secure and confident in yourself and your relationship. Jak knows that love teams are part of the job, so not only is he okay with the BarDa love team flourishing, he’s even friends with David Licauco.

There’s an inherent faith that radiates from JakBie with the way they have no issue in the trajectory of their careers. So, while David may send social media in a whirlwind whenever he posts a picture of him and Barbie, you can bet Jak is going to be as cool as a cucumber. Unbothered king.

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