Calling The BTS ARMY, Swifties, And More, All Your Fandom Faves Are Coming Together On This App

Sign us up, stat!

From the saturated space of social media apps, a soon-to-be fave emerges, one that is primed and poised to dominate with its dedication to a major of the Internet: the fandom.

With a lot of our lives extended on the Internet, it doesn’t take much to figure out that these days, one of the aggregators of pop culture, lifestyles, and social movements, among many other facets of humanity is the social network. Yes, we are talking about pretty much what has dictated every trend and conversation of our modern lives, social media. This development of the new millennium is so central to our day-to-day that despite its notorious origins, the revolution of Facebook, even in its challenged state now, what with the misinformation and decay of morals littering timelines as thoughts and opinions, it has spawned a whole universe of carved out virtual spaces that exist to match every passion, routine, and yes, even whims. And in these focused and dedicated apps, there emerged a sense of connection and community so concentrated; it compelled the culture of fandom unlike ever before.

Behind that active Facebook group, Twitter trending topic, or viral videos on YouTube are fiercely loyal super fans that despite having their own lives, commit a portion of their day to contribute to the relevance and success of their idols. Persistent in their desire to propel the stars they look up to into super status, these fans have fostered friendships and well, families, within their respective fandom across apps.

Brought together by their mutual love of BTS or Taylor Swift for example, these individuals realize that beyond the pages of fan fictions, piles of merch, and tabs of content, there is more that they relate to. And this isn’t just limited to a fandom either, because in some cases, these focused groups communicate with each other, proving that while some would accuse them of obsessing over trivial things, their power cannot be denied.

By Fans, For Fans

Realizing that they are true forces to be reckoned with, Jacquelle Amankonah Horton introduces the world of fandoms to her start-up app, Fave. And at its most essential, Fave is a safe space dedicated to passionate fans where you can both find and join a fandom, link with fellow fans, and share your love for the one you stan through messages, videos, and photos. In these channels of good conscience and good intentions, you can create or continue conversations within a fandom or jump to others as well, and even shop fan-made creations in an Etsy-inspired buy and sell marketplace.

“We [at Fave] want to know the story behind the heart. These people are creating extensions of entire worlds; we want to empower them to share their perspectives of their broader worlds, instead of only consuming,” expresses Horton, a self-confessed Eminem fan, in an interview with Rolling Stone. Here, fans are not jumping on a bandwagon, they are helping build and sustain it. Engaging the obsession with the obsessed in a more functional and progressive way, the culture of fandom is further streamlined and legitimized in what is bound to your fave app soon.

Before you bemoan the prospect of yet another social media app to cram your phone memory, Fave is here to make sure you can be as free as you want to be the fan that you really are. “I was the girl in her bedroom who knew every lyric of every song, how many freckles they have, and fell asleep to the movie every single night just to hear the sound of his voice,” details Horton, proving that here, they really get you.

The True Superstars

Fresh off its beta stage, which is counts HYBE as one of its many early backers, the easy to navigate and use interface indoctrinates us to the fandoms of Taylor Swift and BTS, the Swifties and the ARMYs, with more on the way soon, of course. Moving around the purple-tinted fandom app, the goal is earnest: better fan-to-fan relationships, help you connect and cope, and most importantly, let you enjoy things as you wish with like-minded people. After all, as much as the fandom is about the idol you train all your energy to, it is the experience with fellow stans that make it all the more fun. With Fave, everyone wins, your idol included.

Made by fans for the fandom, Fave does not necessarily perpetuate celebrity culture in the glossy finish we are often led to believe on many apps. Setting itself apart from the saturated plane of platforms, the culture-led and backed safe space puts premium on the stories and people that make the idols you champion the phenomenon that they are. You are the true superstars.

Tap, tap, tap. Sign us up for this, quick.