With the runaway success of All Of Us Are Dead, season 2 finally got the greenlight as we get more adventures in the universe of the show.
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All Of Us Are Dead went from anticipated K-series to one of the most watched new shows of the year so far. The show was a worldwide success as it topped and charted on many Netflix charts around the world. And with its success comes the next big question, will it get a season two? And the answer, is a big yes. As revealed during Netflix’s Geeked Week 2022, the show has been renewed for a second season. Even prior to the official announcement, the show’s creator, Lee Jae-kyoo, has stated that he made the show with a season two in mind. “Many directions, settings and scenes were intentionally produced to expand the story into an additional season, including the introduction of the new races of zombies—immune and immortal,” he said in an interview. With the announcement, we finally have confirmation that we are getting more Korean zombie goodness.
So, what could happen in season two? The show’s creator has hinted at what kind of storyline season two of AOUAD would have. “If the first season can be seen as having presented humanity‘s survival, the next season can talk about the survival of zombies. I hope to present viewers with another season.” With a new season now on the horizon, we’ve compiled a wishlist of the things we would like to see addressed and happen in a season two for All Of Us Are Dead because if you’ve seen the show, you know there’s room for many possibilities. (WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD)

From being introduced as the introverted class president to becoming a halfbie, Namra had a major transformation as season one went on. In the final minutes of the last episode, she said that there were others like her before leaving the scene in dramatic fashion. Her character arc remains one of the biggest plot threads still hanging so we need to know what happens next. Does she train a new breed of halfbies? Does she become a villain? What happens to her relationship with Suhyeok? So many questions, so many tantalizing possibilities. No doubt she is poised to play a major role in a potential second season.

One of the interesting twists that All Of Us Are Dead introduced was the concept of halfbies—half zombie, half human. These people had the ability to keep their zombie side at bay while still retaining their human half. Season one prominently featured three halfbies, Namra, Gwinam, and Eunji. Namra will most likely return in a season two while chances are Gwinam is dead. But what about Eunji? When she was captured by the military, we didn’t she her fate afterwards. Who knows, Gwinam might still be alive and we’ll finally have that showdown between him and Eunji. There are even fan theories that suggest that other characters, like Ms. Park and Mr. Lee, are also halfbies.
There’s also the issue of how humans become halfbies as that wasn’t explained fully and to the extent their powers manifest. When director Lee said that he wanted a season two to revolve around the survival of the zombies, this may be hinting about the halfbies, those we do and don’t know. We potential see a storyline where halfbies are trying to make a place for themselves in society while humans are trying to eradicate them. Another possible case is the introduction of new zombie variants since it was established that the virus evolves on its own. In any case, it will be interesting to see how this concept is explored further.
All Of Us Are Dead wasn’t shy with killing of characters we rooted for. Season one was filled with shocking deaths that left viewers stunned, with one of the most talked about being that of Cheongsan. His death by the tail end of the season was not expected and left many viewers in disbelief. There is even a running fan theory that Cheongsan is still alive, managed to survive the explosion at the school, and that he’s even a halfbie. Fans want to know whether he’s alive or not so a season two could potentially leave a definitive mark on his fate.

Among the many moments in All Of Us Are Dead season one, a scene that left many fans in a tizzy was when Onjo was in the science professor’s lab. We see that the rat that originally spread the Jonas virus go near her feat. But instead of biting her, it just smells her and leaves her alone. This then has led to many discussions as to whether or not Onjo is immune to the virus or even a halfbie.
Another scene to back this theory was when she was wrestled to the floor by a zombie but it looked like it hesitated to bite her. She also helped the first infected student to the infirmary and it looked like she bit or injured Onjo, but she never turned. Onjo having the cure in her blood potentially could lead to some spicy storylines and change her character dynamic. It’s definitely a plot point we would like to see discussed in a season two if ever.

The school setting of season one was instrumental to All Of Us Are Dead’s storytelling. But now that Hyosan High is no more, what happens to the core group? Also, how does Hyosan move on from the zombie outbreak? Potentially, we could see the action be moved from the school to the streets of the city as residents try to rebuild their lives and the remaining zombies and halfbies fight for survival. There is also a possibility of season two having a time jump and not starting immediately after season one. One person to watch out for is the assembly member who did not resign from her party. She may become an important leader in Hyosan’s future nd might even help expose the military’s bombing of Hyosan.
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