Kiana V On Offbeats: When Life Hits Pause And Finding New Tracks To Play

Hit pause, then press play.

“Also, I like to follow Rihanna’s advice: Pretend,” says Kiana in her ~career chat~ with NYLON Manila.

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Growing up, it’s easy to feel like life should follow a clear, well-lit path—graduate, land your dream job, settle down, and live happily ever after. But let’s face it, adulting throws curveballs left and right. Between finding your footing, moving out, and working toward your career goals, it often feels like you’re playing catch-up to some invisible deadline. Plans shift, priorities change, and sometimes, the only constant is the confusion.

If you’re looking for inspiration on how to handle those twists and turns, Kiana V’s journey offers some solid insight. “To be honest, it doesn’t [look like what I imagined], and I mean that in the best way,” she shares. From following the crowd in her early twenties to finding her own path, Kiana’s story proves that even when things don’t go as planned, it can lead to something better—and way more exciting.

The Reality of Self-Doubt

For many young creatives, self-doubt is a constant companion, and Kiana is no stranger to it. “ALL THE TIME,” she laughs when asked if she ever has moments of doubt. Like any artist, she regularly critiques her work, wondering if she’s truly doing her best. “It’s exhausting,” she admits, but honesty with herself has been her greatest tool. “You just have to be brutally honest with yourself. Can I do better? Should I study more of this or spend more time on it in order to do better? We know the answers. We just don’t want to believe them sometimes.”

One piece of advice that has stuck with her throughout her collaborations with iconic artists is to always strive for growth and embrace feedback. “Don’t be afraid of critical feedback,” she emphasizes, noting that continuous improvement is part of the process. “Also, I like to follow Rihanna’s advice: Pretend.” Sometimes, acting confident—even if you’re not—can make all the difference.

On Plot Twists and Pauses

Life doesn’t come with guarantees, and for Kiana, this truth came into sharp focus as curveballs shifted her plans. “Any time I release work and it isn’t received the way I hoped, it feels like my plans and career are being disrupted,” she admits. In those moments of doubt and frustration, Kiana leans on her support system—her fiancé Sandro, her family, and her collaborators—to reignite her motivation. “That’s when they step up and pour so much light back into me and encourage me to keep going.”

This realization that identity isn’t tied solely to career success has been a key lesson for her. While setbacks can make it tempting to throw in the towel, Kiana pushes through by reminding herself that life’s twists and turns don’t define her worth. She says, “It’s important to remind myself that my identity and self-worth do not stem solely from my career.”

Moving Fast and Far

Kiana’s move to LA was meant to be the start of a fresh chapter—like that exciting moment when you finally move out, dive headfirst into the unknown, and chase your dreams. But let’s not sugarcoat it: adulting is a bumpy ride.

Between leaving behind the comfort of home and figuring out how to make a mark in a new city, things don’t always go as planned. For Kiana, the transition hit an even bigger snag when, just a month into her LA journey, the world hit pause due to the pandemic. “The craziest part of that whole move was that I got to LA about a month before the world shut down,” she recalls. Suddenly, what was supposed to be her big career leap became a lesson in patience and adapting to the unexpected.

Take notes, though, because this unexpected pause—while far from smooth—gave her the space to reflect and grow. It’s like when life forces you to sit still and face all the things you’ve been avoiding. “The hardest part of leaving is missing home and the different communities I grew up in,” shares the artist.

Despite her introverted nature making it tough to put herself out there, she pushed through the discomfort, knowing it was a necessary step in becoming who she’s meant to be. Over time, she found her people—collaborators who didn’t just inspire her but helped transform her entire creative process. “My collaborators have had such an immense influence on my creative process, and it’s changed drastically!”

Evolving Sounds

Kiana’s music has evolved with her, not just in terms of sound but also in how she approaches her artistry. Her blend of R&B and pop, which has resonated with fans worldwide, continues to shift as she works through life’s changes. “When I listen to my early releases, I feel like I sound so different—my voice has changed so much, my confidence has grown by a mile,” she reflects. The artist she is today has a more intentional approach, backed by years of learning and exploration.

Her latest releases, Sweet Release and Sana, mark a new chapter in her creative career. “I’m a bit of a mess right now,” Kiana laughs, but in the best way possible. Experimenting with new sounds and embracing the freedom that comes with uncertainty has given her music a fresh edge. In fact, Sana even incorporates a sample of her father’s iconic song. “I didn’t ask for my dad’s permission,” she reveals, recounting how she informed him after the song was finished.

What’s Next for Kiana V?

As Kiana looks to the future, there’s a palpable sense of excitement and anticipation. “I recently saw this video of a girl who said that she could feel ‘the writers’ of her life changing the plot of her story as she entered a new season,” she shares with a laugh. It’s a sentiment that feels deeply relevant to her own life, with big moments like her upcoming wedding and the completion of her next album on the horizon.

“I’m terrified,” she admits, reflecting on the rapid changes happening around her, from friends starting families to her own personal growth. Yet, despite the uncertainty, Kiana is embracing every moment. “But wow, I’m having such a good time.”

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