faeble larp

6 BookTok Things To Do At The Faeble: Manila’s First Fantasy LARP

Arst thou ready to serve medieval realness?

It’s a Renaissance, and no, not that one.

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ICYMI, the Philippines’ first Elizabethan Faire and fantasy LARP is coming to Manila very soon. For a refresher, LARP stands for live-action roleplay, an immersive event that will allow you to live out your wildest dreams: from attending a ball to watching a real-life medieval tourney.

What are the details you ask? It’s called The Faeble: Whispers in the Realm, and it shall happen on October 25-27 at the House of XO. The event will allow you to step foot into a fantasy realm, far far away from reality and straight into the pages of your favorite fantasy novels complete with magic, mythical creatures, and mayhem.

Whether you’re an experienced LARPer or looking to try the experience for the first time, here are some wonderful BookTok-inspired things you can do at this fabled event.



Get your ACOTAR on and put on your most beautiful fantasy-inspired dress. Don’t be afraid to go overboard – weave flowers in your hair, wear golden tiaras, take out the jewelry – if it sparks joy and magic within, put it on. 

Remember, you’re not going to an ordinary dinner party, you’re dressing for the Court of House Allegoria from far far away! (Read about the Faeble’s lore and important figures here). TL;DR, the Great House Dracorien is throwing a feast to celebrate its crown prince and princess, and you are invited! All the Great Houses shall be in attendance.

Don’t have a character in mind? Then Learn About Your Lineage, and find which House you align with to get inspiration. Whether you are from the whimsical Roseharts, the conniving Arachnidas, the graceful Cygnevales, the enigmatic Noirwigs, or the powerful Dracoriens; you’ll surely find inspiration here. Whether it’s a rousing Tangled-inspired kingdom dance or a romantic evening waltz beneath the moon, you are sure to experience it at The Fable. And if you’re not the village dance kind of girl, perhaps you’ll find joy in running down the halls in a flowing gown a la Crimson Peak?



The Faeble: Whispers of the Realm features a grand contest, where Prince Cahir Dracorien shall bestow the title of “The Fairest of the Land” upon the attendee who catches his eye. He will then present her/him with a rose and share the opening waltz with them. 

Much like the Bridgerton Experience’s Diamond of the First Water, you don’t have to do anything to be considered – simply attend. So dress your best, and if you so wish, prepare to capture a Prince’s heart! Along with this, there shall be the Faeble’s “Best Costume” contest called “Liege of the Morn.” You may find information on all the LARP activities and contests here.



While you’re dressed in your finery, so shall the rest of the Faire be. Witness in attendance, fantasy folks of all shapes and sizes: from faeries, elves, dwarves, and humans to the more sinister beings of the night such as vampires, werewolves, sirens, and the ranks of the undead… perhaps you shall even make a deal with one? (Don’t!)

Throughout the night, you can mingle with fellow faire attendees, as well as costumed actors who will be in character the whole time. If you’ve ever wanted to gossip with a fairy, hang out with bards, and rub elbows with Elizabethan royalty; then here is your chance. You will even get to meet the crown prince Cahir Dracorien and princess Amery Dracorien in their meet & greet area, played by esteemed cosplayers Poetbastard and Charess respectively. 

Romance + Fantasy = Romantasy

There are several attractions to help facilitate the romantic ongoings at this event. First of all, there’s a classic marriage booth. The Bower of Promises is exactly that but with a fantastical twist, featuring an Arachnida priest who will bind you and your lover’s hands together with ribbon under a bower of vines. It is a beautiful ceremony, to celebrate your love in a fantasy realm.

Social Deduction Games

The non-combat LARPs “King’s Feast” and “Conclave Treason” will no doubt have some tension between you and the other attendees. The former is a murder-mystery game over dinner while the latter is a social deduction game among friends as you find a traitor in your party.

Dare I mention the possibility of an enemies-to-lovers dynamic brewing between you and that roguish knight on the other side of the table? The key thing to remember in these LARPs is to be observant, and trust no one – not even the people on your own side. Anyone can be a traitor in a game where there are hidden roles and secret traitors. 



The Faeble has both hands-on activities and entertainment in spades to fulfill your wildest medieval fantasy dreams. You may participate in arts & crafts, face-painting, dance lessons, live painting, Dungeons & Dragons, archery, board games, and more. These activities shall be available at the Merchant and Sponsor booths, as well as the Courtyard, spread evenly throughout the event proper. 

Mermaid Lagoon

A mermaid lagoon featuring live merfolk performers by Mermaids PH will be available for attendees to enjoy. Simply navigate to the side of the Courtyard, where you will see the mythical creatures before your very eyes – splashing and singing in the waters. You can even ask them questions about their life under the sea. They are mostly tropical merfolk, so we promise they don’t bite. Careful with the sirens, though – treat them with a respectful distance. We’ve ensured they will be on their best behavior with our protective magic circles, but we can’t guarantee your safety if you provoke these wild creatures of the deep sea!


There shall be performances by bards, aerialists, magic shows, and dance troupes – as well as a jolly program with fashion shows, skits, live (and safe) weapon demonstrations, swordplay, and other activities to immerse thee into the world of the Faeble.




There shall be wonderful fantasy-inspired treats, delectables, and drinks to enjoy at the Faeble. From extravagant suppers in the Dining Hall to snacks in the Food Booths, there will be a great variety of food to satisfy any palate (mortals, immortals, and otherworldly beings included). 

According to the organizers, there shall be Rothè Salpicao, a fantasy-infused beef salpicao dish – as well as sparkling drinks matching the aesthetic of each of the Five great houses. There will also be Elizabethan Faire staples such as bacon, sausages, cheese, crackers, charcuterie boards, and more. These are all sorts of fantasy-themed foods that will transport you to the worlds of The Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Game of Thrones, and more with every bite. 

Purchase some health and mana potion sodas at the aforementioned booths for a quick refresher, or head to The Chalice: a fully functional tavern with barmaids to serve you alcohol and other drinks. Perhaps you will even see parties being formed, quests being given, and ditties being performed. An establishment owned by the Dracoriens and situated in their castle Wyrmhall, the Chalice is a place where adventurers can rest and drink ale in between the activities at the Faeble. Just remember to keep it classy and respectful while inside.


Witness a medieval tourney, where barbarians and knights face off against each other in feats of physical prowess. Be it jousting, archery, or swordplay, you’re sure to witness it at the Faeble. Don’t forget to also check out the artist booths. From elegant paintings to pressed flower art, bookmarks, crochet products, and embroidery; take a stroll down the artist booths to experience a feast for the eyes.

Perhaps you shall even meet a knight while wandering the Faire. If you liked his battle prowess at the Tourney, make sure to bestow upon him a favor (a personal item such as a scarf, that represents a lady’s love, friendship, or allegiance) so that he might remember thee the next time he rides off to battle at the tournament. You may even get a token of appreciation back.



Above all, you’ll create wonderful memories with your friends and perhaps even make new ones outside of your party. In such a magical realm, you’ll never know what will happen. Don’t worry about photos, magic mirrors (phones) are definitely allowed on the premises, so you can snap away to your heart’s content. There will also be designated photographers onsite to capture you and your group’s exquisite costumes. At the end of the day, you’ll be surrounded by a dedicated community who love what they do, so have fun and live the fantasy.

For more information on the event, you can check out their FAQs page. You can get tickets here. P.S. Walk-ins are also allowed, so drop by if you’d like to experience a taste of the magic.

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