G22 Takes On The Challenge Of Shaping The Sound Of This Generation With Confidence

"No Alpha left behind."

As G22 charges forward with Acer, their partnership promises to resonate with a generation that refuses to stay silent. 

In a world where musical tastes flip faster than a TikTok trend, G22’s rise signals a seismic shift in P-pop. The girl group moves forward not as mere entertainers but as advocates, influencers, and leaders for their generation.

Dubbed P-pop’s Female Alphas, G22 doesn’t just break the mold—they shatter it, embodying empowerment while constantly pushing boundaries and setting new standards in the industry. In partnership with Acer, AJ, Alfea, and Jaz take on the challenge of shaping the sound of Gen Z with unwavering confidence.

Authenticity Amid Doubts

Despite their confident exterior, G22 candidly acknowledges the insecurities that come with their role as P-pop idols and public figures. “We feel that everyday, the doubts, because you never know kasi alin ang papatok sa tao,” admits AJ. However, staying true to themselves and their message helps them navigate these uncertainties. “Anyone who tells you na there’s never gonna be doubts is not telling the truth,” Alfea notes, highlighting the importance of embracing vulnerability to become stronger leaders.

Influencing with Intention

To G22, leadership extends far beyond the stage. It’s about wielding influence and making a meaningful impact, both on and off the platform. “To lead is to have influence, kahit isang tao lang. Regardless if it’s a stranger, a friend, or a family member, use that influence for positive change,” explains Jaz.

This philosophy runs deep in their music and interactions with fans. The members believe that true leadership means aligning with the group’s collective vision and ensuring no one is left behind. “No alpha left behind,” emphasizes AJ with a focus on the importance of unity and shared goals.

Leading Through Campaigns and Collaborations

Their recent collaboration with Acer’s Back-To-School Campaign, themed Charged to Lead, is yet another example of the girl group moving forward with their mission. This campaign is more than just an endorsement; it is a powerful partnership aimed at empowering young adults. “It’s about providing the right tools to young adults and students to help them charge into their successful future,” says AJ.

G22’s excitement about their role as Acer’s brand ambassadors is palpable. “Sobrang grateful, sobrang saya kasi they trusted us in this campaign,” gushes Jaz. With this partnership, the girl group has an even greater platform to amplify and allow them to share their music and advocacy with a broader audience. As Alfea sees it, “We’re really honored, and with Acer’s help, we have an even bigger platform to share our music and advocacy.”

Embracing an Empowering Generation

As G22 charges forward with Acer, their partnership promises to resonate with a generation that refuses to stay silent. With the help of technology and their platform, G22 aims to inspire others to break stereotypes and be confident in their identities. 

“Gen Z is actually a very open na generation,” notes AJ, emphasizing their generation’s readiness for meaningful discussions. This openness, facilitated by technology and social media, allows Gen Z to express opinions and advocate for change. 

Adds Alfea, “Social media has given everyone a platform to speak,” highlighting its role as a powerful tool for empowerment. This resonates with G22’s mission to empower their audience through their music and advocacy, supported by Acer’s collaboration.

Looking Ahead with Acer

If you thought this was it for G22 and Acer, think again. This is just the tip of the iceberg of this exciting collaboration and partnership to promote and champion the youth’s potential. Thrilling events loom on the horizon for G22 and Acer, which includes, among other things, a concert. “The Acer Day 2024 concert in August will be electrifying,” teases AJ. “And collaborations are in the works—exciting times ahead.”

In a world hungry for change, G22 and Acer stand at the forefront, ready to empower and energize. Together, they are not just shaping the sound of this generation—they are leading it with confidence.

Photography by @migotilyomanila

Cover story by @precy.rto

Creative Direction by @vincecanlapan

Art direction by @geloquijencio

Styling by @eldzsmejia

Make up by @makeupbyjaysalcedo

Hair by @jayweehair

Set by @rocketsets

Shot at @studiojmanila