From his acting career, MavLine, family, and more, Mavy Legaspi has no time for the haters, and is only looking to please his biggest critic, himself.
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The Philippine showbiz industry is no stranger to seeing children of celebrities follow in their parent’s footsteps. What the rest of the world is now calling nepotism babies is not a new phenomenon in the country. In fact, many of today’s brightest stars can trace their fame to their notable last names. And one such star is Maverick Legaspi.

As the son of actors Zoren Legaspi and Carmina Villarroel, Mavy was destined for the spotlight at an early age. He’s a known presence on TV thanks to his numerous commercials with his parents and twin sister, Cassy. It was a no-brainer then that he would transition his into acting. But when it comes to Mavy Legaspi, what he has to offer comes from a genuine place of love and respect for the craft. Despite what some may say, Mavy means business, and it’s showing in all the right places.
If destiny played out differently, Mavy Legaspi could have been succeeding in a whole different field, tennis, as the young actor tried to make it as a professional tennis player. The pull of the set proved to be one he couldn’t ignore. “I’ve always wanted to be an actor growing up most especially because of my parents. I was very young and was so amazed when [my parents] stepped on set.” He adds, “[E]very time I step foot on set, or I am in front of the camera, there’s this different feeling I get. And I believe it’s something that’s in me. And from there, I really accepted the fact that I want it.”

Even if Mavy came from a “regular” family, that innate passion for acting would still be there thanks to his cinephile side. “I’m a big fan of the film industry. I appreciate different types of genres of movies. And, you know, it’s cool when you get to portray different roles in life. And after all that, you get to go back home and be yourself. It’s just really fun. It’s a tricky game, but very, very interesting.”

Like with the different roles actors often play, Mavy Legaspi’s public persona is ever-changing. To some, he is the son of famous actors. To others, he is a ubiquitous presence in TV commercials. But these days, Mavy Legaspi is carving a name for himself as one of the new generation’s leading actors. It’s still early days for Mavy, but already he’s had a few hits, most notably the role of Sebastian in the high-profile teleserye I Left My Heart in Sorsogon. And with more projects in the works, Mavy might just be on his way to being one of Gen Z’s next top actors.
It’s a distinction that he both honored and humbled by. “Honestly, it’s such a blur, but I gotta keep both feet on the ground because I haven’t reached my dreams or goals yet. I’m just about to.” Cynics can accuse Mavy of getting his roles because of who he is. It’s criticism that he knows comes with the territory. But interestingly, at just 21 years old, Mavy doesn’t let those disparaging comments get to him.

Yes, he has his haters, but to him, the only hater he wants to address is himself. “I’m not only here to prove the doubters wrong. But I’m not here to prove myself wrong, because I know what I’m capable of. I can’t help but want to show myself that I can do so much more. And if anything, the pressure from outside doesn’t really get to me. It’s only how I think for myself and how I pressure myself because, at the end of the day, it’s going to be my work out there. It’s going to be me out there.”
Like many people his age, Mavy Legaspi can sometimes be his own biggest critic. The self-doubt is real. “Self-doubt comes in different forms, whether the little things or big things. It will always be there, but it’s a scary feeling when it starts to take its toll on your main goals or desires.” And while Mavy can sometimes feel like a monster on the hill too big to hang out with, he also uses that negativity to push himself further.

“Those self-doubts push me more. I don’t mind the doubts around me, whatever people want to say about me. Self-doubt scares me the most because it’s like me joining with their side when I’m supposed to be on my side. But all you have to do is just really overcome it. And you know that you’re capable of so many things and achieving so much as long as you put in the work and be patient. Just enjoy the ride. That’s the most important thing that I always tell myself just to enjoy the ride.”

It also does help Mavy’s parents have been supportive of his dreams. But more importantly, they’re there to ground Mavy. Egos are checked out at the Legaspi household. “They can’t help but always remind me to keep both feet on the ground. That’s the most important thing. They don’t want anything to get to me. And they just want me to focus on my dreams and goals because they’re very supportive of them. Big or small, everything is a big achievement for them. And that really means a lot. And it’s an extra push to keep moving forward and keep going.”
Aside from his famous last name and bubbling acting career, one major factor that has helped bring the young star to the forefront is his popular love team with Kyline Alcantara, fondly called MavLine. Nearly all new-gen actors get their love teams soon enough, but rarely does the first outing bring about this much supported and talked-about fervor as MavLine has gotten.

“It all started with just one interview where I signed with Sparkle way back. They just asked who I wanted to work with. And the first person I pointed out was Kyline because she was already my good friend,” shares Mavy. “And when the time came that they introduced us as a love team. It was crazy, it was very overwhelming. I didn’t know I could receive so much support and love from people that believe in this partnership. It’s been the best feeling.” While some love teams are a coming together of two relative strangers, that isn’t the case for MavLine. Mavy and Kyline have been friends for years so their comfort with each other isn’t just for show. “We know that we have each other’s back. And no matter what happens, we’re safe in each other’s arms.”
Their long-time friendship is why Mavy feels the love team is so, well, loved. But he also points out that it’s a beautiful friendship molded by good and bad times. “When people describe beauty, it’s always so positive. But of course, beauty comes with struggle. And I honestly feel like just the things that we went through in our respective lives as best friends whatsoever. I guess it translates when they see us together, and people get to relate to that. And they just want to see realness, genuineness, and pure honesty.”

He continues, “I believe that is what MavLine is all about. They know that it took a while for us to appreciate and love ourselves before giving love elsewhere. And we just spread that message that it’s okay not to love another first as long as you love, appreciate, and take care of yourself first. So far, I believe we’ve been spreading that message because we’re very open about stuff like that.”
If there’s anything you can say about Mavy Legaspi, being fake is not one of them. Instead of talking about a prim and proper relationship, he openly acknowledges that the ups and downs he and Kyline went through were what made their bond stronger. “We allowed each other just to be ourselves whether it became ugly to the public, ugly to each other. We just saw the beauty in everything.”
At his young age, Mavy has learned to not let the haters get to him. He’s developed a pretty thick skin when someone tries to come for him. The buck stops though when it comes to his family. “When it comes to criticism, or things that are pointed towards my family members, that’s when I’m the most sensitive. I’m a family guy, and they mean so much to me, most, especially if I know what other people are saying is very insensitive, or not true. I won’t be afraid to stand up for them.”

A scorching clapback is not what Mavy dishes out though. Instead, his years as a public figure have taught him to respond from a place of love. “[W]hen they’re malicious comments like those, you just got to respond to them most genuinely and kindly because if you clap back with the same heat, it’s gonna have this domino effect of hatred. We need more kindness in the room. And also at the same time being a public figure to so many, I know that my influence is great. So, I also have to watch for that.”
It’s safe to say that Mavy Legaspi’s career is just getting started. From the shadows of being known as just a Legaspi, Mavy is out here slowly but surely proving that he’s his own person and actor. And speaking of acting, he already has a few dream roles in mind. The first is an action movie as he was inspired by his dad who also starred in his fair share of action films. And the second is a drama co-starring his mom, who Mavy marveled at how she could talk for ages yet get into character in a snap of a finger. “Those two roles but anything whatsoever, I’m willing to do and try because no matter what they give me or put my way, I’m always gonna give it my 100%.”

In general, what Mavy is bringing to the table is not just new energy, but a thrust of learning to accept and love yourself. While critics often like to pigeonhole Mavy as one thing, he wants to bring about a message that labels are not important. In an age where social media often puts labels on people to follow, Mavy’s response is to forget all that. “To be unique and different is just by being yourself. I really want to put across there that you can make it just by accepting, loving, and believing in yourself. No matter where you come from or what background you have, you can make it by just putting yourself out there.”
And speaking of going against labels and stereotypes, Mavy himself would like it if people would stop thinking that he’s self-centered. His privileged upbringing and notable last name do not color the way he sees people. “I’m approachable. And wherever you come from all walks of life, I always approach people. I’m not the type where there’s a social status that I only approach. I just want to have fun. I’m cool with everyone.”

While his life may seem like a red carpet to success, where he is now is mainly driven by his ambitions, dreams, and goals. Nothing can take away the hard work Mavy has done as well as the dynamic and honest energy he possesses. It’s a kind of life Mavy would do time and time again if he could do it all over. “I would be born into this over and over in every universe. It all starts with my parents; they’ve been nothing but supportive and they never really put this on me. They really never pressured me into this. It was never about the money or the fame. They’re always about whether are we comfortable doing it.”
Just like the iconic Tom Cruise character he’s named after; Mavy Legaspi is ready to take flight. With his wings prepped and jet fueled, the young maverick is out to explore the skies and reach new heights. And with the refreshing mindset he has, Mavy is going places.
Photographer: Shaira Luna
Creative Direction: Lyn Alumno
Art and Video Direction: Kenneth Dimaano
Sittings Editor: Angelo Ramirez de Cartagena
Cover Story: Rafael Bautista
Styling: Shark Tanael asst. by Vin Cariosa of Studio24c
Grooming: Gela Laurel
Hair: Dale Mallari
Production Designer: Migs Alcid of Studio Tatin
Videographer: Darryl James Lozares
Shoot Coordination: Nicole Barnedo
Shot on Location at Jagger Studios
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