Aside from seven outfit changes for her new single, Pumila Ka, it’s Maris Racal’s beauty looks that stole the show.
Actress and singer Maris Racal is the gift that keeps on giving. From becoming an accidental meme, taking on new acting roles, releasing at least four singles last year (she also raps in a traditional Filipino outfit in one MV), and also fronting the cover of NYLON Manila, she really smashed it. Clearly, Maris Racal can do anything.
This time around, Maris Racal breaks out of her comfort zone even more with her newest music video for Pumila Ka. Proving that she’s a chameleon that can transform in a heartbeat, she did seven show-stopping looks that gave us a lot of beauty inspo with of course, the help of her glam team (Aries Manal and Mong Amado for hair, Gery Penaso and Raffy So for makeup). Read on below for more makeup ideas you can try from Maris Racal’s Pumila Ka MV.
READ MORE: 8 Maris Racal Lines For When You Need Caption Ideas
We’re calling it: lace appliques are the new winged liner. Instead of the usual metallic eyeshadow, opt for eye stickers that may be a little challenging to apply, but have maximum impact like Maris Racal’s opening look.
When you’ve got a strong smokey eye going on, you can explore faux piercings on the nose or the lip instead of puckering it up in red. The bougier the accessories, the better.
If you’re used to a sharp wing, you can try lining your eyes with a wider flick. You can also extend it up your tear ducts for a more panthera vibe.

A classic liner is great, but Maris Racal takes it further with a double wing. NGL, it’s really cool seeing her try on beauty trends that are mostly graphic for Pumila Ka.

We are so 3000 and late, because Maris Racal is already out here living in the future with her all-neon everything beauty look. From the lips, the eyes, up to the highlights of her ash blonde wig, it was quite the sight.
You can watch Maris Racal’s Pumila Ka music video below:
CONTINUE READING: In Her New Era of Music, Maris Racal Opens Up on Asa Naman and The Power of Bisaya Lyrics